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To engage the thorny topic of politics, we are going to ask you to eventually watch a video where two articulate Christians debate the viability of President Trump as a candidate. David French will argue a Christian simply can’t vote for him regardless of his policies; while Eric Metaxas will argue Christians must! I know you may want to hit “play” immediately, but it could be a mistake. The first day, you’ll prepare yourself to watch the video the following day.

Day 1

Digging Deeper (Optional)

While Day 1 is finished, if you have time, do some digging into the lives of both speakers to humanize them. It’s good to realize that life doesn’t stop while debating politics.

Take a minute and do a quick google search on both participants in the debate. How much can you learn about French or Metaxas? Specifically, look for the following:

  • Community brought up in: The community in which we’ve been raised deeply influence how we see the world around us. In what type of environment were these two speakers raised and most importantly, what were the values of that community?
  • Narrative Injury: All of us have experienced deep pain or hurt that have change our personal narratives. In your research, what narrative injuries could you uncover? How does learning of those injuries shape how you see a person? Foster empathy?

For example, consider David French’s wife being diagnosed with severe breast cancer. He writes on X:

Does learning about his wife’s situation humanize French? Equally, as you research Metaxas, what can you learn about his up-bringing, education, and even hardships that have shaped his life?